Understanding our digital future

This Idea is Ready for Implementation

Posted by: In: Blog, Get Rich Click, New Ideas 30 Nov 2010 Comments: 0

You can do the work of researching merchants that offer affiliate programs, or you can turn to affiliate networks. These are brokers that mediate between you and the merchant with whom you’d like to affiliate. In return for their services, affiliate networks typically get a small override from each of your commissions.

Affiliate networks are attractive because they have access to a wide variety of affiliate programs and can match you with merchants you may not have considered. They also make sense if you are among those who would prefer not to manage the details of your affiliate arrangements.
Creating and managing an affiliate network is a way to apply the Get Rich Click™ mindset: Make money by simply connecting two parties that can benefit from each other.

The concept I’m about to describe can work for any industry, but let’s look at wristwatch affiliate programs as an example. Start by creating a website called “My Top Ten Gold Watch Sites.” (www.mytop10goldwatchsites.com).

Next, do your homework: determine what criteria make for a really good online wristwatch site.

Then identify the top ten wristwatch affiliate programs on the Internet. Enroll in the various watch sites affiliate programs. Make sure you understand what action a referred visitor must take for you to earn your commission.
Design your site so it looks professional and appealing. Create copy that explains what a particular gold watch site offers and why the site made your top ten lists. Pay careful attention to search optimization strategies that will allow your site to place higher in organic search engine results (see Chapter 5.)

Then embed your affiliate links. Visitors to your site click on a link. When they buy any product from ANY of those 10 links, you will receive your commission.

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